香港證監會的投資者識別碼制度(即「港股實名制」)將於2023年3月20日正式實施,未登記投資者「許沽不許買」。如未登記的客戶請立即聯絡客戶服務登記或查詢。         溫馨提示:2023年3月1日起,所有內地客戶如需開立證券戶口,均須親蒞本行香港辦事處開戶。          重要通知: 偉祿亞太證券不會透過即時通訊軟件的方式組織投資諮詢活動及給予投資建議,或透過第三方中介接收開戶申請。如果您有任何疑問,請聯絡我們客服熱線(+852-37555888)。如果您發現任何懷疑詐騙行為,請即向執法部門舉報。          慎防詐騙提示:如對任何宣稱來自偉祿亞太證券有限公司的電郵或來電存有疑問,請致電我們的熱線 (852) 3755 5888核實。 詳情請按此。          根據中國證監會、上交所、深交所發佈了有關限制內地投資者參與滬深股通交易的規則修訂,並於2022年7月25日(生效日)生效。因此偉祿亞太證券有限公司將於7月25日開始,不再為內地投資者開通中華通北向交易(包括滬股通及深股通)。 生效日期前已開通中華通的北向交易的內地投資者交易賬戶, 仍可在自生效日期起一年過渡期內(2022年7月25日至2023年7月23)繼續買賣中華通證券。過渡期結束後, 將不得買入,只可賣出,没有中華通證券持倉的脹戶將會被關閉中華通市場交易權限。 詳情請按此。         











(a) 當偉祿亞太證券有限公司(不論是作為主事人或代理人)為某項可徵收香港印花稅且沒有被聯交所記錄為自動對盤交易指令或無須向聯交所匯報為非自動對盤交易的交易進行股份轉移時,惟以下情況除外:

  1. 該項交易獲稅務局給予印花稅寬免(不論是全數或部分數額),或
  2. 股份轉移乃根據結構性產品或衍生工具的條款或因將預託證券轉換為股份(反之亦然)而進行;


(b) 當實體股票證書被存放於或提取自偉祿亞太證券有限公司(不論是作為主事人或代理人)時。










Dear Valued Customer,


Arrangements for the launch of the Over-the-counter Securities Transactions Reporting Regime


Reference is made to the circular issued by the Securities and Futures Commissions (“SFC”) dated 20 December 2022. The Over-the-counter Securities Transactions Reporting Regime (OTCR) will be launched on 25 September 2023.


Under the OTCR, Realord Asia Pacific Securities Limited is required to report to the SFC in below activities:


(a) when Realord Asia Pacific Securities Limited, whether as principal or agent, makes a transfer of shares in connection with a transaction not recorded by SEHK as an on-exchange order or required to be reported to SEHK as an off-exchange trade in respect of which stamp duty is chargeable in Hong Kong, except where

  1. the transaction is granted stamp duty relief (whether in full or in part) from the Inland Revenue Department, or
  2. the transfer of shares is made in accordance with the terms of a structured product or a derivative, or for the conversion of a depository receipt into shares or vice versa;


(b) when there is a deposit to or withdrawal from Realord Asia Pacific Securities Limited, whether as principal or agent, of physical share certificates.


Therefore, Realord Asia Pacific Securities Limited is required to collect up-to-date client identification information (“Client Identification Data” or “CID”) from you and provide to the SFC such CID relating to you as the SFC may request from time to time. In case of any update to your identification information, please notify us and provide relevant supporting documents.


Should you have any questions, please contact our customer service hotline at (852) 3755-5888 or Email to: during office hours.


Yours faithfully,

Realord Asia Pacific Securities Limited