香港證監會的投資者識別碼制度(即「港股實名制」)將於2023年3月20日正式實施,未登記投資者「許沽不許買」。如未登記的客戶請立即聯絡客戶服務登記或查詢。         溫馨提示:2023年3月1日起,所有內地客戶如需開立證券戶口,均須親蒞本行香港辦事處開戶。          重要通知: 偉祿亞太證券不會透過即時通訊軟件的方式組織投資諮詢活動及給予投資建議,或透過第三方中介接收開戶申請。如果您有任何疑問,請聯絡我們客服熱線(+852-37555888)。如果您發現任何懷疑詐騙行為,請即向執法部門舉報。          慎防诈骗提示:如对任何宣称来自伟禄亚太证券有限公司的电邮或来电存有疑问,请致电我们的热线 (852) 3755 5888核实。 详情请按此。          根據中國證監會、上交所、深交所發佈了有關限制內地投資者參與滬深股通交易的規則修訂,並於2022年7月25日(生效日)生效。因此偉祿亞太證券有限公司將於7月25日開始,不再為內地投資者開通中華通北向交易(包括滬股通及深股通)。 生效日期前已開通中華通的北向交易的內地投資者交易賬戶, 仍可在自生效日期起一年過渡期內(2022年7月25日至2023年7月23)繼續買賣中華通證券。過渡期結束後, 將不得買入,只可賣出,没有中華通證券持倉的脹戶將會被關閉中華通市場交易權限。 详情请按此。         


Job Responsibilities:

  • Act as a Responsible Officer with management responsibilities and duties to supervise SFC Type 1, 4, 9 regulated activities;
  • Oversee business operations including but not limited to trading, settlement, risk control, fund management and institutional client service related to fixed income business, bond products, etc;
  • Lead deal flows and execute transactions, including IPOs Placements and underwriting;
  • Formulate, review and update the operations procedures to ensure compliance with relevant regulatory and reporting requirements;
  • Keep abreast of domestic & overseas market information;
  • Provide constructive advice on business strategies and operations;
  • Supervise and manage daily securities brokerage operations, including the account opening process, account maintenance and customer services;
  • Monitor internet trades to ensure their compliance with internal guidelines and exchange regulations;
  • Provide support to top management on strategic activities and daily operations in compliance with all relevant regulatory requirements and applicable laws as well as credit and risk control management;
  • Assist in writing and maintaining proper documentation of all operations, policies and procedures, including operational and risk control procedures;
  • Ad-hoc duties assigned by the management.


  • University graduates in business related disciplines
  • Existing/ qualified Responsible Officer for SFC Type 1,4,9 regulated activities
  • At least 5 years of relevant working experience as an RO
  • Profound knowledge and experience of middle & back office operations related to fixed income business, bond products, etc.
  • Sound knowledge of SFO, regulations and guidelines of relevant regulatory authorities
  • Good command of written and spoken English and Chinese (Putonghua & Cantonese)
  • Self-motivated, well organized with excellent interpersonal skills


  • Assist in full set of accounts and daily operation, prepare monthly management reports
  • Work with team to ensure the daily operations are in compliance with the requirements as stipulated by the regulatory bodies, such as SFC and SEHK
  • Assist in preparing daily/monthly FRR and ensure strict compliance in meeting the liquid capital requirements and client money rules on a daily basis
  • Maintain cash flows, handle funding and other related treasury function
  • Perform ad-hoc duties as assigned

 Job Requirements

  • Diploma or above in Accounting, Finance or related disciplines;
  • 2-4year(s) of relevant working experience in Financial;
  • Knowledge of handling FRR reporting is a must;
  • Good command in written and spoken English, Cantonese and Mandarin;
  • Enthusiastic, detail-minded, mature with positive attitude and a good team player;
  • Immediate available is highly preferable.


  • 負責接載公司董事, 管理人員及客人;
  • 需要運送文件及處理一般辦公室工作;
  • 檢查日常使用車輛的一般操作,以確保車輛狀況良好;
  • 保持車輛日常內外清潔;
  • 工作時間由早上七時至晚上七時, 每週工作6天;
  • 實際工作時間會因應工作安排調動;
  • 需超時工作;


  • 五年駕駛經驗或以上;
  • 最少三年公司司機經驗;
  • 持有效香港駕駛執照(1、2類牌); 熟悉香港道路;
  • 無危險駕駛,扣分及嚴重駕駛事故紀錄;
  • 能操流利廣東話,簡單普通話及英語;
  • 可靠、守時、誠實、有禮及有責任感;
  • 可立即上班優先



  • Identify and explore new product ideas to support business growth
  • Conduct continuous monitoring and maintenance on products to ensure product competitiveness in the market
  • Collaborate with internal & external stakeholders on product launch plan and other logistic
  • Assist in formulation effective process to enhance product development efficiency
  • Assist supervisor in handling projects related to regulatory requirement, sales process and system enhancement


  • Pass in HKCEE or DSE or above including Chinese/English and Mathematics 
  • Experience in banking or insurance industry is preferred
  • Strong ability to operate analytical and statistical tools
  • Self-motivated, independent and with excellent interpersonal skills
  • Excellent presentation and communications
  • Good computer literacy in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Chinese Word Processing
  • Excellent command of both spoken and written English and Chinese, proficient in Mandarin preferred
  • Pass in IIQE papers at least in paper 1 & 3

Employee benefits

  • IIQE Paper 1 & 3 exemption fee after probation
  • Attractive commission and bonus with allowance package
  • On-The-Job Training
  • Fast track promotion path